Button Apex-Tech Untuk Blog Anda

Written by Biskoot | 2 comments

Salam. Sudah sekian lama, kini pihak admin mengeluarkan button blog Apex-Tech yang bertujuan menyebarkan kewujudan tentang blog ini kepada orang ramai. Berikut adalah cara untuk memasang button ini di blog ataupun di laman web sosial seperti myspace, facebook dan lain-lain:

Copy keseluruhan kod html ini dan pastekan pada widget html blog anda,
<center><a href='http://apex-tech.darkbb.com' target='_blank'><img width='160' height='50' alt='apex-tech community' src='http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu241/admin_apextech/buttonblog.gif' border='0'></a></center>
Baru-baru ini Apex-Tech kurang aktif dan menyerlah kerana semua admin masing-masing sibuk dengan kehidupan yang baru di universiti, politeknik, matrikulasi dan kolej. Apa yang kami harapkan daripada semua ahli Apex-Tech dan juga pelajar SMTKL 07/08 agar terus menyokong kami dalam menjayakan projek ini. Sekian.


June 30, 2010 at 10:32 PM   Anonymous said...

salam 'alaik...
1st of most I would like to say dat, the button is such a great button...yes,it's nice.! but, here, I would like to inform dat, I think the link of the button does not work. whenever we click at the button, it suppose to directly bring us to our forum website,rite? correct me if I'm wrong. but wat happens here is, the page appears to be broken. I think it is due to the url stated on the html code for the button. the address of our forum on the html code should be change. so dat, the web can be access by everyone. Dis is just my sight of view and wat I do realize about our lovely button for our batch. Correct me if i'm wrong. TQ...

*'http://apex-tech.via.my' on the html code should be change to 'http://apex-tech.darkbb.com/login.forum?connexion'

*sorry for the inconvenience comment and for the 'bhs inggeris yang truk'. =)

June 30, 2010 at 10:52 PM   Biskoot said...


we are sorry for the problem caused. your attention have brought this problem been solved. i'm sure you need to update this button with the new code above. since this blog was dedicated for our batch, we welcome you to join our team. send your detail to armadzim@yahoo.com. bertugas hidup berjasa.

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